Llandudno...Concerns over the lack of custody units, but the old Station had Custody Units!

So this ugly Carbuncle piece of crap has no custody cells, so they have to take the person arrested on a 34 mile trip, there and back!

But the demolished station which was lovely had cells! You could not write this is a comedy, no one would believe it!

THERE are concerns about the lack of custody units and cells at Llandudno Police Station, with the nearest custody unit in St Asaph.

Llandudno Police Station, at Oxford Road, has no custody units, despite the station being constructed less than 10 years ago to replace the older police building.

This means that individuals apprehended by police, and those who remain in custody, will need to be taken to the custody unity in St Asaph, which is a 34-mile round trip from the Llandudno.

Aberconwy MS Janet Finch-Saunders has written to the Welsh Government and the Home Office to raise concerns about the lack of custody units and cells in the resort town.

“Numerous constituents have raised concerns about the lack of a cell at Llandudno Police Station,” the Aberconwy MS said.

“In particular they have highlighted to me the amount of time it takes officers to transport perpetrators from Llandudno to the cells in St Asaph.

“Whilst I understand that a custody suite in Llandudno will require further resources to be invested in the town, I believe that the time saved by the officers no longer undertaking this journey could be more cost effective in the long-run.

“Whilst the Welsh Government and North Wales Police have advised that Llandudno is well served by the unt in St Asaph I have written to the Home Office asking for a review.”

Welsh Government said Llandudno was already “well-served”, with North Wales Police providing assurances that its facilities were in accordance with expected practice.

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “North Wales Police have provided assurance that their three custody units, one in each geographical area of the force, are run in accordance with Home Office Authorised Professional Practice.

“They have also provided assurance that Llandudno is well-served by the nearby custody unit in St Asaph.”

North Wales Police said they would not be providing a further comment, as their position was in line with Welsh Government.



  1. It should have never been demolished, it was fine as it was.


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