COLWYN BAY- Feral Youths Slash Our Tents - The Bay Is A Ghost Town!!

I had no idea this had been done until a Councillor friend of ours told us that It had been put up on the local notice board where the Admin man had said something like, he would allow it as the presenter was usually quite fair and that he had a large amount of other people wanting to post this video also. 

It became clear within a few short hours that people objected to the video on numerous grounds, and either the admin or Facebook removed it.

Having watched the video, he walks around the empty shops and alleyways where there is clear evidence of drug use.

He also speaks to local homeless people and community projects. now there are no lies in the video, and a lot of people in the town seemed to know him, and people even asked for his autograph!

The town was dead, but he did compliment the old buildings.

I guess my point is, why are people reluctant to show the truth? The only way to change this is for people to see the real Colwyn Bay, just like Llandudno and its, Drug, Delinquency, Crime and Sexual Crime problems. It just seems odd for people to object to a video that just walks around a town and films what is there!

I hope he does Llandudno.


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