Llandudno...Several parked cars on Trinity Crescent sufferd tyre damage!

I wonder which little feral darlings did this? But apparently we should not be prosecuting garbage like this incase it effects their future prospects! So we just go on suffering! POLICE are appealing for information following reports of criminal damage to parked vehicles in Llandudno at the weekend.

A total of five vehicles sustained tyre damage in these incidents, which occurred on Trinity Crescent between Saturday, 4 January and Sunday, 5 January.

Anyone who saw any suspicious activity in this area between Saturday evening and Sunday morning is urged to report via 101, or via their online reporting service, quoting incident reference C002053.

If you live nearby and have CCTV or video doorbell recordings, please review and report anything suspicious.

Additional patrols of this area are currently in place as police enquiries into these incidents continue. From....https://www.northwalespioneer.co.uk/news/24835655.several-parked-cars-llandudno-street-suffer-tyre-damage/


  1. The Llandudno delinquents out in force again.


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