This is what should have happened every time, HIS HONOUR JUDGE PETER ROOK QC did an amazing job, but why did others not follow and why did some of the abusers not even get charged? This is an awful thing that has happened and it has put Britain to shame,I like many thought our Police, Government and Judicial System was second to non, clearly this is not the case and it has failed to protect and support vulnerable children who have been abused by these monsters. AKHTAR DOGAR, ANJUM DOGAR, KAMAR JAMIL,
27 JUNE 2013
1) You have been found guilty by a jury of a series of sexual crimes of the utmost
gravity. The offences involved the exploitation and abuse of young, highly vulnerable
girls in the Oxford area over a long period.
2) There are many aggravating features. On occasions the depravity was extreme.
You targeted the young girls because they were vulnerable, under age and out of control.
They tended to have troubled upbringings and unsettled home lives. You subjected them
to repeated abuse. This was a pattern which repeated itself over and over again. With the
exception of CD, the offences took place over long periods.
3) Each victim was “groomed”, coerced, and intimidated to facilitate the commission of
the offences and to make the likelihood of them ever reporting them remote. This
involved planning. You would build up their trust, providing them with drink, drugs and
attention which they craved. The effect was that some complainants became addicted to
drugs, whilst others had an existing habit hardened. You would develop power over the
children which would drive a wedge between them and their parents. If a girl showed
reluctance, you would enforce compliance with threats and brutality. In some cases it
may not have been in day-to-day control, but you were in a position to enforce your
power over them when you wanted to do so.
4) Each of the first four complainants felt both fear and misguided loyalty to you. They
were reluctant to tell the authorities what you were doing to them. Police and social
services missed tell tale signs. Their sexualized behaviour was misunderstood.
5) No doubt you committed these terrible crimes in the belief that these girls would
never be believed. No doubt this encouraged you to carry on your depraved conduct.
6) We have heard about a sub-culture in the Cowley Road where there was little moral
compass and little or no effort to control. The defence have gone so far as to suggest there
was a willful blindness by the authorities. Whether that be right or not, it does not in any
way justify your actions.
7) Assad Hussein and Zeshan Ahmed: You have both been found guilty of two
serious offences under s.9 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003. Again your victims were
under age vulnerable girls who had been given drink and drugs to make them more
malleable as you well knew. I shall sentence you both after sentencing the other five.
8) The complainants: Each of these six young girls have showed enormous courage in
coming to the Old Bailey to give evidence
(i) knowing that they would be accused of lying
(ii) knowing they would have to re-live their ordeals
(iii) knowing they have not been believed by the authorities in the past.
9) The jury has found that they came to this court to tell the truth. It is to be hoped that
their courage in coming forward to give evidence has not only exposed your activities but
will send a message to and act as a deterrent to others who are tempted to act in this way.
Furthermore, it is to be hoped that lessons will be learnt and the appropriate authorities
will not fail in the future to take appropriate action in the face of evidence of such
10) In my sentencing remarks I propose to give each the victims anonymous initials
reflecting the order of the counts on the indictment: AB (1), CD (2), EF (3), GH (4), IJ
(5) , KL (6).
11) I am grateful for very full pre-sentence reports upon each defendant. The respective
authors have put in a great deal of work to assist me in this sentencing exercise. When
dealing with the facts of this case, they did not have the benefit of hearing the evidence. I
will sentence only upon the basis of matters borne out by the evidence.
12) I must have regard to the Sexual Offences Definitive Guidelines. I accept, as do all
counsel, in respect of the first three defendants and the fifth and sixth defendant, that
these cases fall outside the cases envisaged in the guidelines in the sense that the
combination of offences takes them above the highest categories in the guidelines. To
that extent I will depart from the guidelines. However, I will take into account where
present the aggravating and mitigating factors identified in the guideline. I will seek to
pass sentences which are proportionate to the recommendations in the guideline, and I
will apply the totality principle in all cases.
13) I wish to begin by considering the impact of your actions upon your victims, and
their families, as there can be no doubt that you have blighted their lives and robbed them
of their adolescence. There can be no doubt that your activities have caused them
immense psychological harm. In some instances you have put their parents through many
days of torment and distress.
14) AB: At various stages she was the victim of the activities of three of you - Akhtar
Dogar, Anjum Dogar, Kamar Jamil. I have read victim statements from AB’s parents,
and a victim personal statement from AB herself. AB writes that since the abuse began
she has suffered ongoing emotional and psychological issues. She has been diagnosed
with Post Traumatic Distress Disorder, and suffers from bouts of anxiety and depression
as a result of this. She suffers from self-loathing. She has difficulties in relationships. She
has completely lost self-confidence. She missed out on much of her education from the
start of secondary school when she had shown so much early potential. It is a great credit
to her that notwithstanding these setbacks, she has six-seven years afterwards managed to
have successful jobs.
15) Her parents’ statements, and their evidence during the trial, have revealed the
devastating effect your actions have had on the family. How the parents looked on as
their bright intelligent loving open little girl turned into a sullen, secretive, evasive, and
frightened girl who lost all ambition for the future. Inevitably they have feelings of anger
and guilt. As a result of your actions, their daughter has been changed forever. You put
not just AB but her family through years of sheer torture depriving AB of her teenager
years. Instead of enjoying a proper family life, they went through years of distress, upset,
anger, fear and helplessness. Her parents were made to feel powerless whilst their child
had become entangled in something truly evil. They recognise that it was your actions
that caused this. However, it is hardly surprising that they feel that these emotions were
compounded by failures within the social care system, the criminal justice system and the
police service. As a family they felt isolated even from their own extended family.
16) EF:At various stages she was the victim of the activities of four of you - Akhtar
Dogar, Anjum Dogar, Mohammed Karrar, and Bassam Karrar. I have read a victim
personal statement from EF’s mother. She says that she does not think her daughter will
ever get over it. She lost half her childhood and almost all of her secondary education as a
result of the abuse she suffered. She has totally changed. She is now ultra fearful and
cautious and is unable to enjoy the sorts of activities a young person of her age should be
able to. She suffers from nightmares, panic attacks and flash backs and is being treated
for depression. Despite being the victim she carries with her a great burden of shame and
embarrassment about what happened. Her courage in giving evidence in this case and
having to re-live experiences made her so anxious that she had to give up her college
17) Her mother was working hard to establish a real bond and win her trust. She did not
know she would be struggling against the influence of a gang who used every tactic to
turn her against her mother to the extent that EF would be seriously violent towards her if
she tried to stand between her and them.
18) Inevitably your activities took its toll upon her mother. Hunting the streets for her
night after night and driving all over southern England to pick her up when she surfaced
from the latest trafficking episode took its toll upon her mother emotionally and
physically. Threats meant that her mother had to sell their home and flee from Oxford.
Anjum Dogar Your depraved conduct involved the brutal sexual exploitation of three
young vulnerable girls. On occasions, you Akhtar Dogar and Anjum Dogar acted with
great brutality.Kamar Jamil You were involved in the exploitation of 2 of those girls.
AB: You Akhtar Dogar have been convicted of six counts against AB - one of vaginal
rape, two of oral rape, one of anal rape, one of conspiracy to rape, one of arranging child
You Anjum Dogar, you have been convicted of four counts against AB – one count of
oral, one of vaginal rape, one of conspiracy to rape, and one of arranging child
You, Kamar Jamil, have been convicted of five counts against AB – one of vaginal
rape, two of oral rape, one of conspiracy to rape, and one of arranging child prostitution.
20) You robbed AB of her early teenage years. You started to abuse her from the time
she was 13. It is true that she was already absconding and had take drugs. You took it to a
different level. You targeted her. She was highly vulnerable and easy prey for you. You
groomed her with drink, drugs, trinkets and attention. You well knew her age. You made
her feel that she had to comply with your wishes. To enforce your demands, you told her
that you’d come and burn her house down, and burn her little brother. She believed you
and it was always in the back of her mind.
21) Quite apart from using her for your own sexual self-gratification, you coerced her
into providing sex to vast numbers of strangers. Up to four or five men would be invited
to addresses so they could have sex with her. Men were brought from Bradford, Leeds,
Slough and London. Sometimes the sex would be photographed no doubt to lure more
customers. Men would say they had come a long way to see her. AB describes you and
the men who would come as having a “pack mentality.” You were oblivious as to what
was happening to her. She became emotionally and physically exhausted. Threats were
made to kill her. Your only concerns were your own self-gratification and the satisfaction
of your customers so you could achieve commercial gain from arranging for others to
abuse her. If she resisted, she would be coerced. Customers would become angry. For
instance if oral sex was required, her head would be pushed down, her hair pulled and she
would be slapped. Strangers would burn her with cigarettes. A stranger almost throttled
her. One deliberately scratched her vagina with his nails. One inserted a hairbrush into
her vagina.
22) One of the rapes of which you have all three been convicted relates to the terrifying
ordeal to which you subjected AB at Shotover Woods [Count 10]. This episode provides
a graphic example of how you would react if she failed to comply. AB pretended she had
a period to avoid sex. You, Akhtar, reacted by putting your hand down her trousers so as
to check whether this was true. You Akhtar, Anjum and Kamar Jamil then embarked
upon a wicked plan to punish her for lying. At night you took her to a remote car park up
a hill near Shotover Woods. It was pitch black. You ignored her pleading. You made her
get down to her knees and forced her to give each of you oral sex. You subjected her to
verbal abuse telling her that she knew what they do to pigs, and they were going to cut
her throat if she did not comply.” It is a clear inference that you had invited others to join
you. Another car arrived within 10 to 15 minutes. There were four men in that car. She
was made to give oral sex to all four. She said they were all encouraging each other. You
then abandoned her. Ironically, so pitiful was the state in which you left her, she had to
contact you as she felt there was no one else she could turn to in the circumstances.
23) Your conduct continued until she was 15 over a period of about two years with
breaks when she was placed out of the county in the care system. Her mother describes
how by that time there was not much left of her apart from aggression. You took her soul.
She felt as though it had been ripped out. She hated herself at the time. You put her
parents through years of sheer torture.
convicted of one count of conspiracy to rape (Count 12) which relates to providing CD
for penetrative sex with others. You Akhtar Dogar and Anjum Dogar have each been
convicted of separate counts involving oral rapes by each of you upon CD (Count 12).
You Kamar Jamil apart from conspiracy to rape and two counts of rape relating to same
episode when you with others took CD by car to near a lake (Counts 11A, 11B).
25) CD was a very shy young girl looked her young age. She was emotionally very
immature. She was extremely vulnerable. She was introduced to you by AB, and you
immediately exploited her. All three of you would take CD to various places. Sometimes
you would invite other men to come and have sex with her. You would get her drunk
before the men had sex with her. True the offending was shorter than in other cases and
lasted less than seven weeks over the late summer of 2006. Nevertheless I regard this
sexual exploitation as very grave.
25) You,Akhtar, on one occasion forced her to have sex with you (Count 14). You
Anjum pressurized her into giving you oral sex pulling her head down (Count 15). You,
Akhtar, changed from presenting as “nice “ to becoming “threatening”, grabbing, pulling
her, and threatening her with a gun. You, Anjum, also changed from presenting as
“nice”to becoming threatening saying he had a “gun.” You Kamar Jamil with another
man took CD in a car to a quiet place near a lake where you raped her first orally and
then vaginally. You grabbed her ponytail and forced her head onto your penis. You then
raped her vaginally. She felt she had no choice with two men in a car in a remote place.
You fully participated in these offences. However, I accept from what CD said about you,
your offences against her were not accompanied by same brutality as in the case of your
26) EF: Akhtar Dogar, Anjum Dogar: You have been convicted of one count of
conspiracy to rape, one of trafficking and one of arranging child prostitution (Counts 16,
18, 19). Akhtar Dogar: on three occasions, you both took EF to the Nanford Guest House
to provide sex to men who were strangers to her. You both groomed her for the task by
plying her with drugs. No doubt theses strangers were your customers who were paying
you for providing EF.
Anjum Dogar, you were acting with your brother on two occasions. On a fourth occasion,
acting together, you both rang EF at night summoning her into your car where you forced
her to give oral sex to one of, your customers by pulling her head down onto his penis.
You AnjumDogar subjercted her to degrading and humiliating verbal abuse at the same
27) Akhtar Dogar, you are now aged 29. I accept that you have no previous convictions
for sexual offences. I have read references from those who speak well of you. Anjum
Dogar, you are now aged 31. Again I accept that you have no previous convictions for
sexual offences.
First, I have to consider on the information before me whether each of you are
dangerous. In particular I have to decide whether there is a significant risk to members of
the public of serious harm by the commission by you of further specified
offences.S.225(1) (b) CJA 2003.
28) I have considered cumulatively (i) the young age of your three victims and their
vulnerability; (ii) the manner in which they were targeted, groomed and abused; (iii) the
number of strangers who you arranged to come and have sex with them and the depraved
sex that occurred on occasions; (iv) the repeated abuse and the length of time during
which it occurred , particularly in the case of AB; (v) the serious psychological harm your
actions have caused. I have read the pre-sentence reports. The authors are of the clear
view that you do represent such a risk. I have made an allowance for the fact that the
authors have not heard the evidence. However, I have no doubt given this catalogue of
offending over a protracted period as well as evidence of your continued preoccupation
with young girls after the time of these offences, that you do represent such a risk, and
that risk will continue for many years. It is impossible at this stage to say how long you
will remain dangerous. I do not consider that a determinate sentence or an extended
sentence combined with a SOPO would eliminate or sufficiently reduce the risk, or
sufficiently mark the exceptional gravity of this case. .
29) Second, I MUST impose a sentence for imprisonment for life if I consider that the
seriousness of the offence, or of the offence and one of more offences associated with it,
is such as to justify the imposition of a sentence of imprisonment for life. S. 225(2)(b)
CJA 2003.
30) I have come to that conclusion without hesitation in both your cases. The three
conspiracies to rape against separate victims (Counts 3, 12 and 16) were exceptionally
grave crimes. Count 10 (Shotover Woods) was an offence involving extreme depravity.
31) In any event, I have concluded your offending is particularly grave and your
culpability is particularly high. It follows that, in my judgement, in any event, the
seriousness is such that a life sentence would have a denunciatory value reflecting of
public abhorrence for the crime.
32) The sentences are Akhtar Dogar: Counts 3, 12, and 16 the conspiracies to rape: Life
imprisonment with a minimum sentence of 17 years. (From this will be deducted the time
you have already spent in custody. 460 days) Count 10: 20 years imprisonment
(concurrent) Counts 2, 7, 8, 14 : 10 years imprisonment (concurrent). Counts 6, 18, 19:
8 years imprisonment (concurrent).
33) The totality of your offending is reflected in the minimum sentences that I have
passed. To avoid any misunderstanding, let me make it clear that the minimum sentence
of 17 years is the equivalent of determinate sentences of 34 years. Even after serving the
minimum sentence, you will only be released if the Parole Board considers that it is safe
to do so.
34) Looking at the overall position as to your culpability and the seriousness of the
offences, I see no reason to distinguish between Akhtar Dogar and his older brother
Anjum Dogar. The sentences are Anjum Dogar: Counts 3, 12, 16 - the conspiracies to
rape: Life imprisonment with a minimum sentence of 17 years. This minimum sentence
reflects your overall criminality. It is the equivalent of 34 years determinate
imprisonment. The time you have spent already in custody will be deducted from that
minimum sentence. It is only after you have served that minimum sentence that the
Parole Board will be entitled to consider whether it is safe to release you. All other
sentences will be concurrent to the life sentences. Counts 2, 15: 10 years imprisonment
(concurrent). Count 10: 20 years imprisonment (concurrent), Counts 6, 18, 19: 8 years
imprisonment (concurrent).
35) Kamar Jamil: Miss O’Neill QC, on your behalf, has submitted in respect of the
offences that (i) you were more of a follower than a prime mover; (ii) your involvement
mat have arisen particularly because you had access to vehicles; (iii) according to CD at
least, your conduct did not become brutal; (iv) you voluntarily desisted in September
2006; (v) in your cases there were two victims as opposed to three victims in respect of
the Dogars.
36) As to your personal mitigation, she has invited me to take account of fact that (i) you
have produced numerous positive references from family and friends; (ii) you are a
devoted husband and father of three children. It is clear to me that there was a significant
change in your lifestyle in the years before your arrest for this matter, and you have been
taking your family responsibilities very seriously.
37) It is accepted that you were not mentally ill at the time of the offences. However
your mental condition has deteriorated. I have had the benefit of reading a psychological
report prepared immediately before you gave evidence at your trial and a recent
psychiatric report prepared by Dr Cumming at Belmarsh which indicates that you have
developed psychotic symptoms and there is evidence of a complex set of delusionary
beliefs. Your illness will be managed within the custodial setting.
38) The author of the pre-sentence of the report assesses you as posing a high risk of
serious harm to female children aged 11 to 16. I accept that you do pose a significant risk
of this at this stage. However, having considered all the information about you, I am not
in a position to say that you would necessarily pose such a significant risk if there was a
sentencing package in your case of an extended sentence and the SOPO that has been
39) I now come to consider whether in your case the case is of such exceptional gravity,
it must be marked by a life sentence. I accept that you were a follower rather than a
leader. The leadership role was played by the Dogar brothers. I accept that your conduct
was not marked with same brutality. There were two victims rather than three. There is
no evidence of criminal conduct towards either girl after September 2006.
40) Even taking all these matters into account, I consider your conduct was such as to
warrant a life sentence. You willingly participated in the two conspiracies to rape. In
respect of AB, the conspiracy involved AB being provided to large numbers of strangers
for penetrative sex. These episodes lasted the best part of two years. You were fully
participating in the group rape at Shotover designed to humiliate AB. It follows that in
your case, the conspiracies to rape will attract life sentences. The minimum term will
reflect your lesser role.
41) The sentences are: Counts 3 and 12: Life imprisonment with a minimum sentence of
12 years. All other sentences will be concurrent to the life imprisonment. The minimum
term reflects the totality of your offending. It is the equivalent to a determinate term of 24
years. It is only after you have served that time that the Parole Board will be entitled to
release you if they believe it is safe to do so. Count 10: 16 years. Counts 2, 9, 11A, 11B:
10 years. Count s 6 and 13: 8 years. Such time as you have spent in custody (460 days)
will be deducted from the minimum term.
have been convicted of two very serious offences against EF – conspiracy to rape her
which involved arranging for men to come and rape her (Count 20) and trafficking her
(Count 21).
(43) EF had a particularly disrupted childhood having been placed with various foster
parents. You met her when she was under 13. You knew her true age. You groomed her
so that you would have a hold over her. Wickedly, you turned against her mother. You
got her hooked on drugs providing cannabis and cocaine. You had a complete disregard
for her own welfare and treated her as if she was a commodity.
From the time when EF was 13 you started selling her to other men for sex. To use her
words this happened “loads of times” over the next few years. Sometimes you would
take photos presumably to entice further customers. Clearly it was a commercial
operation. You would actually ask customers whether they were satisfied.
44) When she was 14 or 15, you started to instruct her to go to London. You’d make her
meet men at Paddington station and provide them with sex. This happened on five or six
45) Even at the end of 2009 / 2010 you were trying to lure EF to so-called parties where
no doubt you wished her to provide sexual services to other men. When she refused, you
threatened both EF and her mother. You terrified them. Over the phone you threatened to
kill them. EF was not ready then to expose what you had been doing to her over the
years, but at least the police were contacted to prevent this frightening harassment.
46) You, Bassam Karrar, were not involved in the trafficking of EF. However have been
convicted of a violent rape of EP on a specific occasion at the Nanford House (Count 22).
47) In November 2006 when she was 14 you took her to Nanford House for sex. She
agreed. There came a time she wanted to go. However after taking cocaine, you would
not let her go. She made it very clear she wanted to go home. Her mother would be
worried. You insisted on further sex knowing that she was no longer consenting. You
subjected her to a prolonged assault involving sexual and physical violence, degradation
and humiliation. In particular, you became very angry. You jumped on top of her, pulled
her hair, and forced her head onto your penis. You penetrated her vagina twice and
ejaculated. At one stage, she could not breathe because your hands were tight around her
neck and she felt that she was being throttled. You told her you were going to kill her.
You also pushed her in the shower and urinated upon her. No doubt because you wanted
to punish her and humiliate her.
48) Mohammed Karrar, Bassam Karrar: I now come to the dreadful offences you
committed as against GH.
GH (4): You, Mohammed Karrar, have been convicted of no less than 16 offences
against GH. These include nine counts when she was under 13, six counts when she was
well under 16, and one count when she was 17 and 18.
Under 13
COUNT 23 RAPE OF A CHILD under 13 vaginal specimen
COUNT 24 Using an instrument with intent to procure a miscarriage
COUNT 25 RAPE anal specimen
COUNT 26 RAPE OF A CHILD under 13 Vaginal rape by other men who came to the
COUNT 27 Assault of a child under 13 Insertion of handle of baseball bat
COUNT 30 RAPE of a child under 13 High Wycombe and other places anal rape
specimen count
COUNT 31 CONSPIRACY TO RAPE A CHILD under 13 Agreement with Bassam
that GH be taken to various houses to be raped by various men
COUNT 33 TRAFFICKING with Bassam 11 – 15.
13 or over
COUNT 35 CONSPIRACY TO RAPE Agreement with Bassam that GH be taken to
various houses and locations
COUNT 37 RAPE Vaginal specimen
COUNT 38 RAPE Anal specimen
COUNT 40 Supply controlled drug class A
COUNT 50 RAPE in 2011 when GH 17/18
49) Bassam Karrar, over and above the serious offence you committed against EF, you
yourself, often acting with your older brother committed numerous offences upon GH:
Three offences when she was under 13.
COUNT 29 Rape of a child under 13 specimen vaginal
COUNT 31 Conspiracy to rape a child under 13 - with Mohammed taken to
locations for sex with other men
COUNT 32 Arranging child prostitution - with Mohammed
Two offences where her age is unclear, and I must assume she was at :
COUNT 33 Trafficking - with Mohammed 11 – 15 )
COUNT 28 Conspiracy to rape Spit roasting age unclear )
Three offences when she was 13 or over:
COUNT 35 Conspiracy to rape when J 13,14, 15 - with Mohammed
COUNT 36 Arranging child prostitution 13,14,15
COUNT 39 Rape when GH 13, 14, 15 specimen count
50) You, Mohammed Karrar, were introduced to GH when she was only 11. It is a clear
from the video clip we have seen, she was a small girl at the age of 12. You were in your
thirties. [You knew that both her parents had profound disabilities, and at a very early age
she shouldered a huge responsibility towards her parents. You would go to her home and
smoke joints with her father who no doubt would have had no idea what you were doing
to his daughter, including having sex with her at his home.] You anally raped her when
she was 11. After a period of months when you groomed her, you were having regular
oral, vaginal and anal sex with her. You duped her by telling her that you’d take her to
Saudia Arabia and marry her when she was 15. She became pregnant. Your reaction was
to become angry with her and slap her. You took her to Reading so that an illegal
abortion could be performed upon her at an underground so-called clinic. Clearly this was
highly dangerous to her health. As always you had no regard to her welfare and the
damage you were causing her. She became obsessed with you, and you exploited her.
51) There came at time before she was 13 that both of you Mohammed and Bassam
Karrar started to bring strangers to have sex with her. You Bassam would organise the
sessions. Mohammed was closely involved and would be at most of these sessions. These
occasions happened many times. You would make her act as a hostess at sex parties no
doubt charging for her services. If she did not want to have sex with the men, you both
would get angry. She had to endure depraved sexual demands including the acting out of
weird sex fantasies, and the insertion of objects in her vagina. If she kicked out, she
would be restrained. If she said that she did not have sex. She said “Mo and Bassam
would get mad at me.” You, Mohammed, made videos of GH performing sex acts no
doubt with a view to selling her sexual services.
51) You, Mohammed Karrar, took her to various places to provide sex to others – a hotel
in Bournemouth, a flat near a school in Oxford. She was taken to High Wycombe for sex
on a regular basis. Both of you took her to High Wycombe for sex with others. Bassam
took her two or three times without Mohammed. Sometimes there were three or four men
at a session. Sometimes as many as nine or ten. GH thought that Bassam was taking lots
of phone calls in relation to the Wycombe trips where there would be sex acts and sexual
fantasies acted upon.
52) GH would hear both Mohammed and Bassam speaking to customers over the phone
before going to the Nanford for sex. She was taken to Nanford House over 50 times. The
charge would vary according to the sex act you’d make her perform. Mainly Mohammed
would take her, but Bassam took her more than a couple of times. Sometimes she would
be to taken to the Nanford twice or three times a week.
53) You, Mohammed Karrar, prepared her for gang anal rape by using a pump to expand
her anal passage. You subjected her to a gang rape by five or six men (count 30). At one
point she had four men inside her. A red ball was placed in her mouth to keep her quiet.
Not only were you both involved in the commercial sexual exploitation of GH, you also
used her for your own self-gratification. You both raped her when she was under 13.
When she was very young, although it is not clear whether she was under 13, you both
raped her at the same time (oral and vaginal/anal). It happened on more than one occasion
(Count 28).
54) Mohammed Karrar, on one occasion when GH was 12, after raping her, she
threatened you with your lock knife. Your reaction was to pick up a baseball bat with a
silver metal handle, strike her on the head with it, and then insert the baseball bat inside
her vagina. You treated her as if she was your commodity. You branded her (with your
initial near her anal passage) using a hot hair pin. If GH did not comply with your wishes,
if you were not with other people, you would lose your temper with her. As part of the
grooming, you would provide her with crack cocaine and you injected GH with heroin
on numerous occasions (Count 40).
55) When she was not prepared to participate any more, you would issue terrible threats.
Your activities took a heavy toll upon her both physically and mentally. In late
2010/2011 she phoned you. You invited her to come and see you. You said “We’ll sort it
and make it better.” Once there, you had an argument, and to exert your power and
punish her, you pulled down her trousers and raped her.
56) Mohammed Karrar: I take into account that you have no previous convictions for
sexual offences. However, these are very grave offences. You exhibited exceptional
depravity both for your own sexual gratification and for your own commercial
operations. Many of your activities involved planning. The sufferings of your two young
vulnerable victims were extreme, and over a long period. I consider on all the information
before me, including the pre-sentence report, that you do and will continue to represent a
high risk of causing serious harm to young girls by the commission of further specified
offences. Your offences do fall into the category where only a life sentence can be
57) Sentence: Counts 20, 31, 35: Life with a minimum term of 20 years imprisonment
(concurrent.) That 20 years reflects the total criminality involved. It is the equivalent of a
determinate sentence of 40 years. You will serve the minimum sentence less the time you
have already spent in custody. It is only then that the Parole Board will be entitled to
consider whether it is safe for you to be released.
The sentences on the other counts will all be concurrent to the life sentence:
Counts 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30,: 20 years
Counts 37, 38 and 50: 17 years
Counts 21,, ,24, , 32, 33, 36 and 40: 10 years.
58) BASSAM KARRAR: You have no conviction for sexual offences and I take that
into account. However your offending involves two victims. Whilst you were not
involved in the trafficking of EF, you carried out a brutal and violent rape upon her when
she was only 14 and very vulnerable and you sought to humiliate her. On its own that
would attract a sentence of 17 years imprisonment following the guidelines.
59) You were also well involved in both organising the commercial exploitation of GH
from when she was under 13, and you used her for your own sexual gratification by
making her perform grotesque sex acts such as is exhibited by count 28. I have to
consider whether you meet the dangerousness criteria. I agree with the conclusion of the
author of the pre-sentence report, and upon all the material before, principally the
evidence in this long trial, you do pose a significant risk of serious harm to young girls
from the commission of further offences. Furthermore, looking at your offending, I am
unable to say how long that risk will continue. I cannot say that it will be sufficiently
reduced by the imposition of an extended sentence combined with a SPO. In my view
Counts 31 and 35 are offences of truly exceptional gravity, and your overall offending
does fall into the category where only a life sentence can be justified.
60) The sentences of the court are: Counts 31, 35: Life sentence with a minimum term of
15 years. That is equivalent to a determinate sentence of 30 years. It means you will have
to serve that minimum sentence less the time you have spent in custody.( 460 days).
Only then will the Parole Board entitled to consider whether it is safe to release you. All other sentences are concurrent with the life sentences.:
Counts 22, 29, 39: 17 years
Counts 28, 32: 20 years.
Count 33, 36 10 years
61) ASSAD HUSSAIN: you have been convicted of two offences of sexual activity with
a child under 16. There were two separate victims spanning a period of six to seven
years: Count 4 sexual activity with a child, AB; Count 47 sexual activity with a child IJ.
You are now aged 32. I accept that you were not an organiser. You exploited young girls
for your own sexual gratification.
62) In my view you have a predatory sexual interest in young girls, and your actions
show a callous disregard for the consequences of your actions. In respect of AB, during
the period when she was being groomed and coerced into performing a series of violent
and degrading sexual assaults at the hands of other men at pre-arranged events, you came
to one of these events, and took advantage of AB and had vaginal sex with her. There are
the following aggravating features. The nature of circumstances that led to AB being
available for sex with you cannot have escaped your notice, although I accept that you
had no hand in organising or arranging the event. You played no part in the corruption of
AB, and there is no evidence that you paid for sex. In your case, there was no violence.
However, there is a clear inference from the evidence that you would have been aware
that AB was being passed around between men for sex. Since this was a specimen count,
I sentence you on the basis that you had sex with her on just the one occasion. Of course,
I accept the jury’s verdict that you may have reasonably believed she was consenting.
63) I am quite satisfied that you attended the event in order to have sex with her. You
well knew (i) she was under 16; (ii) she was being groomed to provide sex to you and
others; and (iii) she was being plied with alcohol and drugs to achieve that object. It
follows that I regard this as an extremely serious example of this offence. You would
have been at least ten years older than her.
64) Some years later between July 2011 and December 2011, you took advantage of IJ,
just 14 yrs old and approximately 16 years younger than you. It would have been very
clear that IJ, whatever the position was in respect of her physical maturity, was
emotionally very immature. She was out of control and easily manipulated when under
the influence of alcohol and drugs. During that weekend when she was back on Oxford to
see her mother before Christmas. You took advantage of her and had vaginal sexual
intercourse with her. You well knew that she was under age, and heavily under the
influence of alcohol and drugs. No doubt because of the drugs and alcohol she has little
or no recollection of the events of that weekend. No doubt you felt there was no chance
that this would come to the notice of the authorities. The discovery of your DNA led to
your apprehension.
65) You appear unable to understand the exploitative nature of your relationship with IJ. I
agree with the author of the pre-sentence report. You had sex with each of these young
girls. Your actions will have compounded the harmful and damaging impact sexual abuse
has had on their lives.
66) I take into account that you have no history of sexual offending. Although you are
not a person of previous good character, your convictions are of a different nature and
have little or no relevance in the context of this case. I have regard to your personal
circumstances. In particular you and your wife have lost two children because of a
congenital defect. Sarah West, the author of the pre-sentence report, has concluded that
you do pose a high risk of harm to females aged 12 to 16, presenting a medium risk
likelihood of re-offending in this way. In the light of your roles in these offences, I am
not able to say you represent a significant risk of serious harm to the public from the
commission of specified offences. It follows that I conclude that the dangerousness
criteria are not met.
67) Following the guidelines the appropriate starting point for an offence of this nature
under s.9 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 is four years. . As I have indicated that in
respect of Count 4, there are aggravating features, not least your knowledge of the
exploitative context and the involvement of other men. The sentence of this court is five
years imprisonment.
68) In respect of Count 47, this a further serious offence since you took advantage of a
immature young girl over 10 years younger than you who would have been under the
influence of alcohol. I accept the sexual activity was consensual, and there was no
corruption. I take into account the principle of totality. The sentence is two years
imprisonment to run consecutively to the sentence in respect of Count 4. It follows that
the total sentence is one of seven years, You will serve half and be on licence for the
remainder of your sentence. I impose a SOPO in the terms of the draft order. It will be
for an indefinite period.
69) ZEESHAN AHMED: you have been convicted of two offences of sexual activity
with a child under 16: Count 45, a specimen count in respect of vaginal intercourse on a
number of occasions with IJ when she under 16. It is accepted that sex took place
between five and ten occasions; and Count 49 vaginal intercourse with KL when she was
aged 15.
70) The jury has rejected your defence that you reasonably believed these girls were
under 16 at the time. I have no doubt that you had and have a predatory sexual interest in
young girls. You believed that somehow you had an entitlement to have your sexual
needs met. You are now aged 28. At the time you were over ten years older than the girls
you preyed upon.
71) You first contacted IJ pretending to be someone else. You adopted various grooming
strategies. You enticed her to your address. You would have been aware that she was
emotionally immature and highly vulnerable to abuse. You were, at the very least, aware
that at your premises IJ would have access to alcohol, cannabis and cocaine. You knew
that this would have a disinhibiting effect upon her which would facilitate your abuse of
her. You had no regard whatsoever to the effect your actions would have upon her. No
doubt you thought that IJ would not go to the authorities, and, even if she did, she would
not be believed. Your DNA was found on her clothing leading to your apprehension.
72) During this period you also took advantage of KL when she was under the influence
of drink. You well knew her age as she had told you when she was 14. I do not accept
that there was any genuine friendship between you. You were manipulating the situation
grooming her for your own sexual self-gratification without any thought as to the effect
upon her.
73) I take into account (i) the fact that there came a time when you ceased contact with IJ;
(ii) you have no previous convictions for sexual offences; (ii) you have mental health
issues and may have suffered from clinical depression.
74) The author of the pre-sentence report Corina Johnson states that your attitudes
towards substance misuse, sexual behaviour and gratification are all areas of concern. She
is of the view that you present a high risk of serious harm to children (specifically
females between the ages of 13-16). On the basis of the information before me
(specifically the nature of your offending), I have no doubt that you do pose a significant
risk in the future of serious harm to members of the public from the commission of
specified offences. I need to consider whether there are interventions which could serve
to reduce and/ or eliminate that risk.
74) Corina Johnson has assessed that in retrospect, you do have an understanding of your
sexual behaviour, and you could respond positively to a Sex Offender Treatment
programme. It follows that sentencing package with a SOPO can be imposed with
appropriate prohibitions in order to reduce the risk you pose. It follows I do not consider
it necessary to pass an extended sentence in your case.
75) Nevertheless these are serious matters. The starting point following the Guidelines is
four years imprisonment. In respect of Count 45 (IJ), there are aggravating features.
There were at least five occasions. This was not a genuine relationship. It was
exploitation of a very immature young girl addicted to drink and drugs at a very young
age. The sentence is five years imprisonment. As for Count 49(KL), I accept that she was
15 at the time and there no violence. However, you knew her age, She had told you. She
was heavily under the influence of drink at the time, I cannot accede to your counsel’s
invitation to pass a concurrent sentence, but I take into account the principle of totality.
The sentence of the court is two years imprisonment to run consecutively to Count 44
making seven years in all. You will serve half this sentence. You will be on licence for
the remainder. I impose a SOPO for an indefinite period in the terms of the draft order
that has been placed before me.
78, In respect of all defendants there will be notification requirements for an indefinite
period. The disclosure and barring service applies in all cases which will prevent you
from ever working with children.
79. I wish to pay tribute to all 6 complainants and the members of their families who had
to go through the ordeal of giving evidence in this long and difficult trial. From....
I hope at some point the truth will come out and that the hundreds and hundreds of thousands get justice and the perpetrator's and their supporters get jail or deportation