Why Was Cllr Woods Partner Allowed To Log In And Live Stream The Planning Meeting?

We have just been sent this now, and I have just looked at the video which shows someone streaming or similar, filming at the meeting. Here is the request and the link    https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/why_was_cllr_woods_partner_allow                               Dear Conwy County Borough Council,

On 5th August 2024 at 6pm, a council meeting was held regarding debating his public-right-of-way application on the grounds of a famous Gwrych Castle
Cllr Andrew Wood, THE Vice Chair of Conwy’s Licensing Committee, applied for four routes to be made public right of way on Gwrych Castle’s grounds in Abergele and Llanddulas.
Cllr Woods was banned from debating his own application at the Conwy’s licensing and planning committee.
Woods was banned from speaking to colleagues about the castle application due his personal interest at the summary by Standards Committee chair meeting on 29th July. He was told straight.
However on the 5th August 2024 at 6pm Cllr Woods Partners laptop was used to log into the Licensing Committee on 5th August.at 6pm.
There was a debate asking who Miss A was, and to log on she must have used his code to join.
She was in the room whilst the debate was on, and can clearly be seen on the recording by the council streaming the meeting live to Cllr Woods
The legal representative was surprised not expecting anyone to join the meeting whom she did not know.

My questions are
1, Why was Cllr Woods Partner allowed at the meeting? (conflict of interest?)
2, Why was Cllr Woods's partner allowed to stream the meeting directly to Cllr Woods?
3, Are recording devices and live streams allowed at these meetings, Other than the council's own recordings of the meetings which are later published online?

I am not really sure what the outcome should be, so please drop us a line if you have any ideas


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